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Compromise Assessment
Want to proactively determine whether or not your organization has been compromised?
As cyber adversaries become more persistent and sophisticated, breaches can go undetected for months or even years and even upon discovery, it can take a significant amount of time, expertise and cost to recover from these breaches. Therefore, it is essential that breaches are identified as quickly as possible.
Rewterz Compromise Assessment helps organizations discover ongoing or past security breaches, malware and signs of malicious activity lurking in the environment to prevent attackers from exploiting them.
No user disruption
Rewterz Compromise Assessment is non-intrusive, so the daily operations won’t be disrupted.
Actionable recommendations
Compromise Assessment provides actionable recommendations to defend against known tactics, techniques, and procedures of an attacker.
Complete visibility
Our dedicated, highly skilled team quickly takes an inventory of the network, email and endpoints to perform a thorough review and identify areas of risk to better protect against a future attack.
Cost effective approach
Compromise Assessment is a more comprehensive and cost-effective approach to track down threats, malware, and adversaries with long-term improvements of defense