A Matter of Trust
May 10, 2009How good are you at utilizing your Vulnerability Management program?
May 25, 2009A Matter of Trust
May 10, 2009How good are you at utilizing your Vulnerability Management program?
May 25, 2009With rampant downsizing in most organizations, corporations now face new frontiers in their efforts in keeping their data secured.
Uncertainty amongst employees leads to more dubious behavior. With most of today’s security products designed to counter external threats, how do you keep the EVIL WITHIN from jeopardizing your security and compromising the sanctity of your data?
Recent surveys conducted by (but not limited to) Symantec and Ponemon indicate that employee exodus has also resulted in tons of sensitive data being leaked out as well. The survey conducted around a thousand participants revealed that an overwhelming majority of employees took a copy of their work with them. According to the survey, CDs remained the most popular mode of sneaking out data with confessions from 53 percent of the participants. Next inline were USBs which had been used by another 43 % while 38% said that they had used Email.
While the more benign of the lot may just keep it as apart of their memory, the more enterprising may have other wily ideas.