Rewterz Threat Alert – Cobalt’s Updated Tactics and Tools
June 19, 2020Rewterz Threat Alert – APT Group- TA505 Latest IOCs
June 21, 2020Rewterz Threat Alert – Cobalt’s Updated Tactics and Tools
June 19, 2020Rewterz Threat Alert – APT Group- TA505 Latest IOCs
June 21, 2020Severity
Analysis Summary
Researchers have analyzed the Dark Crystal RAT capabilities and C2 message format. Unlike a real RAT server, this one does not have a user interface to allow the attacker to pick and launch commands. Instead, it has a pre-scripted command list that it sends to the RAT. When the server starts up, it uses the Python BaseHTTPServer to begin listening for incoming web requests. Incoming POST requests are assumed to hold a file that the RAT is uploading to the server; this server assumes all file uploads are screenshots and saves them to “screen.png”. The server sends four types of commands in sequence: first, it hides the desktop icons; then, it causes the string “Hello this is tech support” to be spoken; next, it displays a message box asking for a password; finally, it launches the Windows Calculator.
Unauthorized Remote Access
Indicators of Compromise
Domain Name
- domalo[.]online
- files[.]dcrat[.]ru
- 047af34af65efd5c6ee38eb7ad100a01
- 931972b7531ee614ff9f9403fb0612ca4e3d668c5bfbedacb9fe18e4ac312f1d
- 61809e8f559b27e72a603a45a53116327845dbeb
Block the threat indicators at their respective controls.